A SOIREE meeting. Members are being abused, someone new wants to join, and there are prizes up for grabs on the tombola. Oh and apparently it's been snowing!
It was Peter's idea, but will it work out? Clachan's putting the pressure on as Pamela and Fiona help hunt for a house to re-enact next door to. Oh and Bob Marley's in this episode as well.
'Krill. Summat wi' krill.' And here is that something. A historical re-enactment nowhere near as straightforward as it seemed. Oh and someone gets drowned in a bucket in this episode as well.
Who the hell is this guy? Lone Wolf? Protector of The People? Or just another consumer? Oh and how did he learn to communicate with sparrows?
It seems the Chairperson will stop at nothing to gain official recognition for the group's activities; even criminality. But has he gone too far? Oh and what exactly is 'JCB's Already-Eaten Cheese?'
Oh my gosh, it's a bloody great battle! And all started by Charles Darwin. Horrific. And who exactly is the evil dark Knight?
Watch more from the SOIREE on our old footage page.